Living Word
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36
Word In Motion
I want to thank Cindy, Paula, Barbara and Debbie for the opportunity this evening to share a brief portion of my journey with Papa God. These wonderful and loving ladies, of our Papa God, helped me to release some toxic baggage, experience Papa God’s Love (Full Throttle) and live a much happier life.
I have known Paula for over 18 years and met Cindy at an event Paula was hosting on behalf of the company she works for. Paula immediately introduced me to Cindy and the brief time I spoke with her was very revealing as to how deep this woman’s love for Papa God is. She filled in missing links for me on a very meaningful phrase I was using ‘Let Go and Let God’. I knew there had to be more to this than what I knew there to be….And Cindy then filled in the missing link…’Let Go and Let God Go Before You!’
I was encouraged to attend the WIMM Women’s conferences for several years by Paula. God finally made it clear that I needed to attend my first conference in October 2015. This was the best decision I made for myself. I was able to meet the rest of these wonderful women, Barb and Debbie. I also met some amazing women who were attending the Conference. Through Cindy’s ministry expertise, I was able to release specific chains that bound me for most of my life.
It is the first time I truly felt free from the chains my mother had bound me with! My mother did the best she knew how to raise me and reprimand me. I love her very much, as she was my mother. I did not know how to accept encouraging words from Papa God or anyone else until Cindy, Paula, Barbara and Debbie helped me release myself from these binding chains.
Cindy also ministered to me Papa God’s words that He LOVED me unconditionally and was proud of me, of which I was terrified and at the same time exhilarated to experience this revelation. This was truly a life altering event for me! I not only felt free from those binding chains, I also began to hear positive thoughts instead of negative self-talk. As I left the conference, I made a pact and promise with Papa God and myself that I would focus on seeking to be truly happy in every aspect of my personal and work life. I have received affirmations that I, in fact, have accomplished living a Happy Life! I have had numerous people tell me that they noticed recently that I am a very happy person and that my smile is as big as the Grand Canyon. It’s because these four ladies guided me and showed me the way to a deeper relationship with our Papa God.
I knew God was telling me his work was not done with me yet, as he had plans for me to attend the October 2016 Women’s Conference. My work schedule and racing schedule shifted, amazingly, so I would be able to attend. And I found myself thoroughly enjoying the Word of God through Cindy’s ministry. The conference theme was ‘Come Away, My Beloved’. It was the first time in my life that I received a Love Letter and it was so moving that – I, who am not a crier especially in public was bawling like a newborn baby wanting to be fed. The two day conference flew by so fast and yet it left me feeling so very loved by our Papa God - way beyond my own comprehension.
I know Papa God’s work is still not finished for me! I wake up wondering and with anticipated amazement as to what Papa God has in store for me. I have been truly amazed every day since! And this truly puts a smile on my face!
Thank you and God Bless Cindy, Paula, Barbara and Debbie for their unconditional love and dedication to help me and many more know how much Papa God loves us unconditionally!