The Living Word:
Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, the virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and she will call Him Immanuel (God with us). Isaiah 7:14
The Word In Motion:
As some of you know... I have been dealing with a chronic illness. It has been an interesting journey. Along the way, there have been hills to hike, mountains to rock climb, and valleys to go through that have overwhelmed me and my family at times.
YET this I recall to mind at all times...My God is faithful, He is my healer, my redeemer, my strength and my peace. He is the miracle worker and the restorer of faith. He will never leave me. He is my God and He is good, good, good!
God has used many people to help us along this journey. So this Christmas, I just want to remind you, that there are many out there who are going through some tough journeys also and need a friend to hike a hill, an experienced guide to rock climb a mountain, a light-bearer to go through a valley or voice in the wilderness calling out, "He is with you and will never leave you".
We are all called (those who are in a strong place and those who are in a weak place) to encourage and extend a hand to the weary and broken. Remember, who it is you serve and reach out with His hand of love.
Christmas is the fulfillment of the promise that a Savior has come and HE IS WITH US.
You are His vessel to reveal this to others. Reach out in His love!
God bless us, everyone!