Come let us worship and bow down.
Come let us kneel before the Lord our maker. Psalm 95:6
The Word In Motion:
There are many confused ideas of what worship is: A lot of us think of it as a Sunday morning song service. The music time before the sermon. We tend to categories each part of our daily time with God as worship. But....Singing songs of praise alone is not worship. Prayer alone is not worship. Testifying alone is not worship. Listening to the Word is not worship. Listening to preaching is not worship. It is true that all of these ought to produce worship. For when we pray we sense the wonderful presence and nearness of God, when we testify we are sharing about the awesomeness of Gods presence,when we read the word it is His living word. All of these do lead us to a place of adoration and reverence...BUT worship is more that just these things.
So what is worship? First we need to define the two acts of worship.
1. Worship as a community - where we come together to lift up songs in unity and exalt, praise, and worship the Lord our maker. This encourages and strengthens the body of Christ. It unites us in purpose. It is the sound of heaven here on earth.
2. Worship as a lifestyle. This is the focus of our teaching today.
The definition of worship is the act of paying divine honor, showing reverence in all things, respect, adoration, intense love, awe and fear. It is a heart felt reaction to knowing God & experiencing His grace, mercy, and love in our lives.
The heart of worship isn’t just singing, dancing music etc... It is a lifestyle. All the time. It flows from the heart, from deep within. It is not just an emotional experience alone, it is also a disciplined decision to walk in reverence; to live a life of reverence, respect, and obedience to Him from the rising of the sun to its setting. It is giving God the reverence and honor that He deserves in all we do, say, and think. It is living life for the honor of one!
The Heart Of Worship - when you are worshiping (giving respect, awe and honor) from the heart, in all you do, that is the sweetest noise that reaches the heart of God.
Worship flows from three parts of our being
1. The Mind - knowledge of who God is
2. The Heart - our experiences with a loving God
3. The Body - our physical response to his amazing grace.
To you alone does my spirit yield. Lord, I long to worship you with all that I am.
One of my favorites scriptures to help explain how to develop a heart of worship is Romans 11:33-36 and 12:1 it reads:
Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unreachable His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out! Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been His counselor? Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him? For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever! Amen! Therefore, I urge you, brothers, In view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - This is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but e transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - His good, pleasing and perfect will.
Let’s look at this passage we just read and apply each part to our lives.
“Spiritual act of worship.” What does that look like? Sacrifice - to give yourself unreservedly to Him - a free will offering – Releasing all claim - All right to it - not dead but living. Holy Free from sin - set apart - not divided but complete- offered in repentance and righteousness. Pleasing For His honor and glory. In spirit and in truth
This is your spiritual act of worship!!! Sacrifice, holiness, pleasing God. “Living your life for honor of One.
A lifestyle of worship. We are His own . We dwell in His presence continually. Does He not live in us and breathes in us? We are His living temple. So worship should flow from within at all times, in all circumstances. A life of reverent awe, wonder and fear. AT All TIMES.
He knew we couldn’t dwell in His presence. His very heart cry was to have relationship with us, so He sent His only son to die for our sins so we can come into His presence. So In view of His mercy offer yourself as a living sacrifice this is your spiritual act of worship.
Worship in the fullness of who God is. Abandon yourself and rights and honor Him in all you do.
Renew your mind and be transformed - I’m coming back to a heart of worship and its all about you. A spiritual act of worship. We have to sacrifice ourselves daily. Our flesh reactions and attitudes. We cant just put God in a box and take lightly His presence in our lives. We bare a responsibility to honor Him in all we do, what we say, how we react, and what we do. Do you honor God in all you do?
A living sacrifice - laying down self in all things to give God honor and respect due Him. Place Him first. Be transformed and renewed. Offer your life to Him and live as one who dwells in the presence of a holy God.
In all things give Him honor and reverence. Stay away from what is forbidden, Do not conform to this world. Practice and learn His character in all things - take off old self put on new self created in the image of Christ.
Know Him intimately.
Put aside yuurself to honor Him.
Recognize the fact that you dwell in the presence of a holy merciful, loving, good God.
In all you do give reverence to Him. Worship Him in the splendor of His majesty, in the view of His mercy.
In reverence will I bow down before you.
By your great mercy will I come into your presence Psalm 5:1